Nodira Rustamovna Rustamova, Senior Lecturer, Department of Uzbek Language and Pedagogy, Faculty of International Education, Tashkent State Dental Institute, email:


  • Nodira Rustamovna Rustamova


This thesis is written about the concept of the concepts of vitagenic education
and their role in the process of training medical personnel. Also, the components of the
vital formation were analyzed.

Библиографические ссылки

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Белкин А.С. Возрастная педагогика / А. С. Белкин. - Екатеринбург. 1999. - 271 с. Источник:

Белкин Август Соломонович, Вербицкая Наталья Олеговна Витагенное образование в системе педагогического знания (витагенная концепция личности) // Педагогическое образование в России. 2007. №1. URL:

Rustamova NR. (2021). Issues of Development of Students' Media Competence Based on Vitagenic (Life) Experience. Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES), Vol 21 Issue 6, pp 2599-2616.

Rustamova NR. (2021). Vitagenic education and the holographic approach in the educational process. Таълим ва инновацион тадқиқотлар (2021 йил №1), 23-29.

Rustamova, N. R. (2013). Media jekspansija i mediaobrazovanie v obshhestve. ANtual’nye problemy gumanitarnyh i estestvennyh nauN, (3), 261-265.

Rustamova, N. R. (2019). Media culture as a developing factor of rational thinking of secondary school students. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences Vol, 7(3).

Rustamova, N. R. (2019). Technology for the development of media culture of secondary school pupils (on the example of grades 7-9). Dissertation of the doctor of philosophy (PhD) in pedagogical sciences.

Rustamova, N. R. (2019). Technology for the development of media culture of secondary school pupils (on the example of grades 7-9). Author’s abstract of PhD dissertation.

Rustamova, N. R. (2021). Issues of Development of Students’ Media Competence Based on Vitagenic (Life) Experience. Journal of Physical Education and Sport®(JPES), 21(6), 2599-2616.

Rustamova, N. R. Contents and Technology of Vitagen Education of Higher Educational Institution Students, European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences, 8 (2) Part II, 56-61.

Rustamova, N. R. Technology for the development of media culture of students of general secondary education (on the example of grades 7-9) (Doctoral dissertation, dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in pedagogical sciences. -Tashkent, 2019.-42 p).

Ruzieva D. I., Rustamova N.R., (2021). Analysis of theoretical studies of the concepts of vitagen and vitagenic education. Таълим ва инновацион тадқиқотлар (2021 йил №4), 42-46.


