REFLECTION OF GEOGRAPHICAL CONDITIONS IN THE OIKONYMY OF UZBEKISTAN Chorakulova Dilnora Zokirjonovna, Teacher of the Department of Russian Language and Literature Bukhara State University


  • Chorakulova Dilnora Zokirjonovna


toponyms, oikonyms, topoformant, geomorphonyms, phrasal oikonyms, complex oikonyms, hydronyms, phytonyms, zoonyms, names related to climate and climatic conditions, landscape features.


This article discusses oikonyms compiled on the basis of ethnic characteristics. Ethnic names, as part of historical processes, began their formation from the moment of the appearance of the first settled Turkic tribes and nationalities.

The syntactic analysis of the oikonyms of Uzbekistan led to the conclusion that the names of geographical objects of this area fully correspond to the grammatical laws of the language. Each name is formed on the basis of the peculiarity of the locality, the social conditions of the people, the ethnic composition and various historical processes. Consequently, oikonyms reflect the development of the history and language of peoples. This historical information about small nationalities is of great importance in the study of the history and language of these nationalities.


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