POETICS OF FOLK PROVERBS (on the example of Uzbek and German folk Proverbs)
Farruh Sadriddinovich Bafaev doctor of philosophy in philological Sciences (PhD), Senior Lecturer National University of Uzbekistan, Almazar District of Tashkent City, Campus, University Street, 4
metaphor, repetition methods, lexical repetition, phonetic repetition, syntactic repetition, metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, alliteration.Abstract
This article reflects on the means and methods of artistic image in folk Proverbs. The theoretical opinions presented were substantiated using examples from Uzbek and German folk proverbs, and the corresponding conclusions were made.
Methods. In the implementation of the study, a comparative medot was used, as well as methods of description, ethnofolchloristic analysis.
Findings. The place and importance of artistic arts, means and methods of image in the poetics of folk proverbs are revealed. The task of these tools in the transition and survival of folk proverbs from mouth to mouth is substantiated, explained using examples from Uzbek and German folk Proverbs.
Conclusions. The conclusions obtained as a result of the study of the poetics of folk Proverbs make it possible to study and comparative analysis of the artistic thinking of the Uzbek and German peoples. There are also conclusions obtained from language corps that can also be of great help in the creation of bilingual dictionaries.
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