Умаров Бахриддин Мингбаевич Профессор кафедры «Педагогики и психологии» Университет Ориентал, доктор психологических наук, профессор Комилжон Бурибаевич Муротмусаев Доцент кафедры «Педагогики и психологии» Университет Ориентал, кандидат медицинских наук Хайдар Каримович Хамдамов Старший преподаватель кафедры «Педагогики и психологии» Джизакского государственного педагогического университета


  • Умаров Бахриддин Мингбаевич, Комилжон Бурибаевич Муротмусаев, Хайдар Каримович Хамдамов


emotions, intelligence, emotional intelligence, competence, leadership


An analysis of studies confirming the increase the importance of emotional intelligence in subject-subject relationships modern post-industrial society, especially for complex social situations. Situational styles of effective leadership, including emotional intelligence. researched the mentality of a modern successful person who does not share thoughts and feelings. The concept of development of emotional intelligence is defined as humanitarian component of the triad of sciences included in the concept professional competence.


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K. B. Murotmusaev, Sh. E. Yuldashev, Sh. Lukmoniddin “Psychology of Modern Leadership as an Important Phenomenon of Effective Management”International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE), 14(1) 2022.

K. B. Murotmusaev, ErkibayevaKh. Sh.Leadership: communicative eproperties of the manager’s personality and psychology of communication technology use…Zamonaviy innovatsion tadqiqotlarning dolzarb muammolari va rivojlanish

tendensiyalari: yechimlar va istiqbollar mavzusidagi Respublika miqyosidagi ilmiytexnik anjuman materiallari toʻplami

(2022-yil 13-14-may)

