Djalolova Mohinur Abdusattorovna, Nuriddinov Rasuljon Samijonovich Teachers of the Department of Psychology of Fergana Ferghana State University


  • Джалолова Мохинур Абдусатторовна,


child, preschooler, education, mind, development, sensor, cognition, character, cognition, intuition, intellect, psyche, period, activity, system, sensory culture, application, task, reform, perception, potential, factor, intellect, ability, process, cocktail, specialist.


The article describes the features of sensory development in preschool age, the child’s sense organs and its aspects of mental development, preschool age is an important period in the physical, physiological and psychological development of the child, education is an activity aimed at ensuring sensory development in children. In addition, the study of the sensory development of a preschooler by the Russian scientist L. A. Wenger emphasizes the psychological connection of sensory culture with the mental development of the child. It is shown that the knowledge of the world is connected with perception and at the same time explains the features of the sensory development of a child at any age. He has developed sensory development exercises and games that provide guidance on sensory development. M. Montessori, a scientist who has conducted significant research in the field of foreign psychology, also described his research in the field of sensory development of the child.


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