Sattarov Shavkat Yuldashevich, Termiz State University, teacher of the «Fine Art and Engineering Graphics» department.


  • Sattarov Shavkat Yuldashevich TerDU


Computer technology is an efective method and instrument of knowledge that enhances human mental capabilities, which is of fundamental importance for the development of all areas of knowledge and activities and is aimed at changing human practice and life, penetrating all aspects of human activity, It also requires its purposeful use in the learning process.
However, without abandoning the teaching methods passed down from generation to generation, they should be supplemented, enriched, activated, coordinated with modern teaching methods, and modern education should be combined with the traditional educational technology of drawing. The issue of the introduction of lim technologies in harmony was studied from a theoretical and practical point of view.
It was planned to organize teaching with the help of active methods of teaching and computer technologies, use of modern teaching methods and teaching of science subjects using computer technologies. In this case, the 64 hours specifed in the «Drawing» curriculum have been slightly changed to the training hours allocated for students to draw and work on problems: 90 percent of the independent work hours are intended to form the student’s inquisitiveness and work on himself. it was determined that it will be held in an electronic educational method.


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