Rano A. Khaydarova Senior Lecturer at TSUOS
preschool education, innovation, education, upbringing, development, Chinese education system, experience, knowledge, skills, skills, masteryAbstract
One of the driving forces of development in any sphere of human activity is the analysis of the accumulated world experience. At the same time, in our country, special attention is paid to the creation of projects aimed at creating conditions for the organization of preschool education and the quality provision of preschool educational institutions. This is due to the implementation of the standard of preschool education, which has become the first stage of education.
Therefore, the study and analysis of the development of education abroad is becoming increasingly important. With its own history and traditions, Chinese early childhood education systems have great pedagogical potential.
This article is aimed at comparing reforms in the field of preschool education in our countries, identifying and eliminating existing shortcomings, enriching the experience of reforming our own education system, and finding more correct and acceptable ways to develop education.
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