Turaev Khumayiddin Abdugaffarovich, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Pedagogical Sciences, acting Associate Professor. Head of the Department of Fine Arts and Engineering Graphics of Termez State University
innovations, educational technologies, “effective practical project”, method, tool, distance learning, 3D animation, video tutorial, mobile application, creative release, visual graphic image, social networksAbstract
In this article, the innovative educational technology “Effective practical project” is an innovative educational technology with a special program covering a target program, an information bank, educational and methodological support for achieving the set didactic goals, provided to students through the effective organization of drawing lessons based on this technology from future drawing teachers and work alone, creative, creative and initiative activity, practical recommendations are given with a methodological basis that allows applying theoretical and practical knowledge in practice and developing a responsible approach to work, as well as design and engineering skills. It also provides reasonable information about the form, methods and tools that will be needed when applying the technology during the lesson.
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