Otaliyeva Adelya Raxmetovna Uzbekistan State physical University of education and sports Nukus branch physical education theory and humanities researcher of the Department of Sciences


  • Otaliyeva Adelya Raxmetovna TerDU


rhythmic gymnastics, Psychophysiology temperament, activity, wellness, competence, optimization, methodology, observation, conversation.


in this article, the definition of pedagogical-psychological characteristics of the criteria for regulating the content of the training of preschool children in rhythmic gymnastics at the stage of sports-wellness. there is talk about determining the factors that determine the successful implementation of the tasks of the sports and wellness stage of training in rhythmic gymnastics. Also highlighted are factors of effectiveness of teaching children to rhythmic gymnastics at the sports- wellness stage, requirements for the selection of tools and methods for the development of preschool children in rhythmic gymnastics at the sports-wellness stage, the need and possibility of carrying out educational activities with parents on the targeted formation of motives taking into account their psychophysiological characteristics in preschool children engaged in gymnastics.


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