Tojiboyev Marat Normadovich Chirchiq davlat pedagogika universiteti Psixologiya kafedrasi katta о‘qituvchisi
Individual educational trajectories; minors; technological educational platform.Abstract
The relevance of the study is related to the spread of innovations - a new technological educational platform and the need to control students studying on individual educational technologies within this platform. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the possibility and necessity of psychological monitoring of individual educational trajectories of students on the basis of a new technological educational platform. The psychology of human personal development has become the leading approach to the study of the problem; This makes it possible to identify the adaptive, meaning-forming and developing functions of a person’s changing educational activity. Research results: a structural-semantic model for the implementation of individual educational trajectories within the technological platform has been developed, technologies for their design have been established, and the main professional and educational competencies have been determined. The article may be useful for specialists, pedagogical technologists and professional consultants in predicting the professional development of a person.
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