Sobirova Dilafruz Abdurozikovna Head of the Psychology Department of the Bukhara Institute of Psychology and Foreign Languages, Corresponding member of the International Academy of Psychological Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy(DSc), рrofessor
psychological competence, «I-concept», social perception, reflex, stress, aggression,altruism, aggression, social courage, social maturity, socio-psychological competence.Abstract
This article reveals the scientific and theoretical foundations of the formation of professional competence of medical personnel, as well as the role and importance of factors influencing this. In our country in recent years, special attention has been paid to radical reform of the healthcare system, further improvement of the personnel training system and improvement of the level of professional training of specialists in this field. Of particular importance in this regard are studies to improve the professional competence of medical personnel. As a result, opportunities were created for deepening scientific research in the areas of improving the psychological competence of medical personnel, the realization of their personal qualities, demonstrating the capabilities of factors of socio-psychological competence that directly affect the effectiveness of activities using psychocorrective methods. At the moment, scientific research is carried out in the following areas concerning socio- psychological competence, which is manifested in the activities of medical personnel in the leading CHI of the world: a number is associated with improving psychological mechanisms for training competitive personnel, including increasing the individual capabilities of medical personnel through the development of social and psychological competence; determining measures; development of a model and concept for the study of socio-psychological competence and theoretical, as well as empirical analysis of its socio- psychological perspectives. In conclusion, we can say that in the era of today’s reforms, the study of factors related to the professional competence of medical personnel remains one of the urgent problems.
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