Orziyev Mahmud Zainiyevich, Bukhara State University, Department of «World History», associate professor, Ph.D. (PhD), Babakulov is the son of Okhunjon Akhmat Teacher of the Department of Social Sciences of Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute
Independence, economic communication, agriculture, interaction, cotton planting, bountiful harvest, socialist society, economy, exhibition, export, expert, hard workerAbstract
In the second half of the 20th century, the processes of gaining national independence of African countries took place, and efforts to get rid of colonial complications began. Especially, the countries of Angola and Mozambique in the tropical African region, after gaining national independence in 1975, followed the path of rapprochement with the former USSR in order to get rid of economic dependence on metropolises. The former USSR helped these countries in military, political, and technical fields. Uzbekistan, a part of the USSR, was not left out of these relations. Uzbekistan is mainly involved in agriculture and the supply of equipment related to this field, growing cotton in the conditions of the tropical region, obtaining abundant harvests from it, organizing farms based on the procedures of the former USSR, creating the scientific basis of cotton cultivation, managing agricultural equipment, delivering it to the local population, Angola and They began to teach the Mozambican people to build a society and live on the basis of Soviet rules. Products produced in Uzbekistan’s industrial enterprises were delivered to various African countries. Exhibitions of agricultural machinery products are organized in African countries. It is also mentioned in the historical literature that the exhibition held in Mozambique was attended by a large number of local residents.
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