Kadyrova Maralzhan Matyakubovna, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Pedagogy, Lecturer at the Department of Green Economy and Agribusiness. Bukhara State University.


  • Kadyrova Maralzhan Matyakubovna TerDU


economic skills, SWOT analysis, Assessment, Web-quest project, BBB, Insert, Concept table, Why, Brainstorming, Cluster, SCORE.


This article highlights the need to organize classes using modern educational technologies in the development of economic skills of students of higher educational institutions. It was emphasized by the teacher that it is important to be able to choose these technologies correctly and to have the skills and abilities to use them effectively based on the characteristics of each subject. In the conditions of the market economy, increasing the competitiveness of the specialist in the labor and services market is inextricably linked with the formation of his economic skills, and also the meaning and essence of the concept of economic skills has been widely explained.


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