Kutlimuratov Sardor Sharipbayevich Chirchik State Pedagogical University, acting associate professor, (PhD)


  • Kutlimuratov Sardor Sharipbayevich TerDU


education, astronomy, database, galaxy, density.


This article deals with the development of professional and scientific competence of students, formation of research skills in teaching «General Astronomy» in higher education institutions. It describes methods for obtaining images of galaxy clusters from the SDSS observational database and methods for processing the obtained images.


Mukhamedov, G. I., Usarov, J. E., Khimmataliyev, D. S. O., & Nurmamatov, S. E. (2023). Mathematical Foundations of Processing the Results of Astronomical Scientific Observation and a Program Used In PHOTOMETRY. Telematique, 22(01), 1094-1099.

Abduraxmonova Sh.R., Tillaboyev A.M. “Oliy ta’lim muassasalarida astronomiyadan kuzatishlarni tashkil etish metodikasi”. //Ta’lim va innovatsion tadqiqotlar // №4 2023. 121- 124 bb.

Jumageldiyeva M.A., Tillaboyev A.M. “Umumiy oʻrta ta’lim maktablarda astronomiyadan nomoyishli koʻrgazmalar oʻtkazish”

Olimjonovna, Dadabaeva Feruzakhon, Rahimov Kamoliddin Anvarovich, and Ibrahimova Rana Hamdamovna. «The importance of the principle of historicism in the humanitarization of physics and astronomy education». Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal 10.12 (2022): 92-95.

Dadaboyeva, F. O. «Umumiy o’rta ta’lim maktablarida fizika fanini o’qitishda steam texnologiyalarining afzalliklari». E Conference Zone. 2022.

Dadaboeva, F. O., M. Rahimberdieva, and K. A. Rakhimov. «The importance of time aphorisms in strengthening the educational aspects of education.» Texas Journal of Engineering and Technology 15 (2022): 117-121.

Ernazarov A. N. O ‘rta umumta’lim maktablarida fizika va astronomiyani kasbga yo’naltirib o’qitishda tayanch va fanga oid kompetensiyalarning ahamiyati //Academic research in educational sciences. – 2021. – Т. 2. – №. 4. – С. 869-873.

Nizamiddinovich E. A. Use of modern teaching technologies in the conduct of physics laboratory works in general secondary schools //Science and innovation. – 2022. – Т. 1. – №. Special Issue 2. – С. 852-855.

Nizamiddinovich E. A., Olim ogli O. B., Xayrulla o‘g‘li A. Z. Umumiy o ‘rta ta’lim maktablarida fizika fanini oqitishda axborot texnologiyalaridan foydalanish metodikasi //O’zbekistonda fanlararo innovatsiyalar va ilmiy tadqiqotlar jurnali. – 2023. – Т. 2. – №. 20. – С. 168-170.

Usarov, J. E., Khimmataliev, D. O., Makhmudova, D. M., Abdusalomovna, H. S., & Nizamiddinovich, E. A. (2023). Pedagogical Foundations of the Student’s Individual Training Trajectory. Telematique, 22(01), 1259-1264.

Tursunov, Ikromjon Gulamjonovich, and Abduvohid Uktamugli Umbarov. «Higher education pedagogical-psychological support of individual educational trajectories of students». Open Access Repository 9.6 (2023): 11-15.

