Alidzhanova Lazizakhan Abbasovna International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan senior teacher, Ph.D


  • Alidzhanova Lazizakhan Abbasovna TerDU


religious teaching, Christianity, Islam, medicine, philosophical problem, Tibbun Nabavi, Middle Ages


In the scientific centers of the world, attention is paid to the in-depth study of the sources in the fields of the relationship between religion and medicine and to reveal their true essence. This type of research is advancing ideas on trends related to professional and interdisciplinary collaboration between religion and medicine. From the second half of the 20th century, the religious basis of medicine in the West and the East, the importance of religious views in its creation, the proof of the instructions regarding human physical health in the holy texts in modern medicine, it is true that the inventions in this regard are reflected in the books of the Bible, verses of the Qur’an and hadiths. scientific research on From this point of view, revealing the specific aspects of religious and social foundations of medical issues in religions serves to expand the scientific scope of research in this field.


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