Toyirova Dilrаbо Sаttоrоvnа, Independent researcher, teacher of the preschool education department. Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute
Digital literacy, technology, technical tools, teacher, computer literacy, learning activities, media literacy, content, standard, criteria.Abstract
In this article, the use of digital technologies by primary school teachers in the organization of educational activities, the role and importance of digital technologies in the formation of digital literacy skills of students of junior school age, and the importance of digital technologies in the formation of digital literacy skills of students today questions about the methods and content of educational activities using technical means are reflected. In addition, today’s relevance of digital technologies in increasing the effectiveness of education is expressed. Also, in the article, the formation of digital competences in students of junior school age is the teacher’s work in a completely new, digital environment, and other participants of the educational process interact directly with students, other teachers, administration and parents. It is described as very important as the social environment involved in the educational process, understanding that it is related to being forced to interact.
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