Mirzayev Shahrukh, independent researcher at Namangan State University
innovations in higher education, educational regulatory documents, efficiency of management of educational processes, technological solutions in education, digitalization of educational processes, automation of work with documentation, adaptive methods of working with regulatory documents, integration of information systems in the management of educational processes, improving the accessibility of educational information .Abstract
The article provides an overview of innovative approaches to working with educational regulatory documents in the context of higher education institutions. The authors examine modern trends and challenges in the field of management of educational processes, emphasizing the need for the effective use of regulatory documents to improve the quality of education. The article analyzes examples of best practices, including automation of document management processes, the use of digital technologies to improve the accessibility of information, as well as the introduction of flexible management methods that facilitate adaptation to the changing needs of the educational process. Particular attention is pSId to the role of information technology and modern analytical methods in optimizing the processes of working with educational regulatory documents. The presented review allows us to identify key trends in the field of management of educational processes and develop recommendations for higher education institutions in order to increase their competitiveness and efficiency.
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