Buronova Holida, teacher of the Jizzakh branch of Uzbekistan National University
dictionary, lexicology, terminology, medicine, genetics, own layer, absorption layer, derivations, etymology.Abstract
one of the laws of development of all languages that exist in the world is its relationship with other languages. This is reflected in the lexicon of languages. One of the requirements for the presence of languages in the world is also the appropriation of words. The study of the etymology of these acquired words can provide information about the diachronic and synchronous state of the language, about which languages it interacted with and actively during which period. In this article, the basis of the genetic origin of the terms adopted into the Uzbek language was analyzed on the basis of the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Uzbek language”.
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Ta’lim va innovatsion tadqiqotlar (2024 йил № 3) № 3-50