Sobirov Tolib, Turkestan Prof. New Innovation University, Uzbekistan, Dr. Taner AŞCI, İhsan Toktaş Assoc. Dr., Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Turkey
Hendese, Design, Geometric pattern, Abu’l Wafa el-BuzjaniAbstract
The concept of design, which has the same dimension as the history of thinking, represents human productivity. In this process, in addition to needs and expectations, many elements from society to politics, technology to culture can affect the design. However, when the historical dimension is examined, the developments in technology have created a breaking point in the design processes. At this point, the most important discipline that stands out as the key to aesthetics and harmony for the designer is the science of “Hendese” in the 10th century. Hendese is a practical and understandable branch of science that continues to have an impact on understanding field, matter and space today and will continue to do so in the future. In the study, the emergence of Hendese science in Central Asia and its impact on design history were examined by document research method. At this point, the approach to geometric objects and practical drawing methods of Ebu’l Vefa el-Bûzcânî (940-998), who is considered the leader of the science of Hendese, are explained with examples. Additionally, examples of obtaining geometric patterns using the ability of geometric objects to multiply infinitely are also included.
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