17. V. P. Sokolova Research of blowing ability of reagentscollectors, used for flotation of iron ores
V. P. Sokolova Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of Department of Chemical Technology and Engineering, Technological Institute of State University of Economics and Technology, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine
flotation, flotation foam, apolar collector, heteropolar collector, diesel oil, soap of the distilled tall oil, stability of foamAbstract
Influence of additions of apolar reagent of diesel oil to heteropolar collector - soap of the distilled tall oil on stability of foam is researched. The study found that the most favorable properties for flotation are foam, formed at using of reagents-collectors mixture - soap of the distilled tall oil and diesel oil with a ratio of 2:1. This collective mixture is recommended by an author for the flotation beneficiation of oxidized iron ores.
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