Sidirova Janar Umirbekovna, Teacher at the Department of Russian Language and Literature of Navoi State Pedagogical Istitute. Narbekova Elvira Erkaliyevna - Teacher at the Department of Practical English Language Course at Navoi State Pedagogical Istitute
The article is committed to the distinguishing proof,
systematization and examination of ordinary substances and highlights of
their interpretation from Russian into English. The material of the study was
oral folk speech proverbs and sayings about life. For the first time, an attempt
was made to identify the linguistic and stylistic features of the translation
of everyday realities. Using various means of translation, or definitions in
English to convey the true meaning. The article provides examples of the
translation of everyday realities into English, a discussion of the difficulties
of finding equivalents and the ambiguity of understanding in the cultures of
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