THE ANALYSIS OF POLITE ACRONYM WORDS BY FACEBOOKERS IN ENGLISH AND UZBEK LANGUAGES Khudoyberdieva Oyjamol Muzaffarovna Termez State Pеdаgоgiсаl Institutе, Teacher the department of Theory and methodology of foreign languages


  • Khudoyberdieva Oyjamol Muzaffarovna


internet, politeness, acronyms, communication, abbreviation, verbal, non-verbal, request, apologize, invitation, gratitude.


The article describes how English abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms are used on Facebook by English and Uzbek users. This research methodology used to properly communicate the data findings. The main information for this study was discovered through fieldwork, mostly on Facebook. The secondary data were gathered from the questioner and through internet research. According to the findings of this survey, most English and Uzbek Facebook users utilize acronyms. Most Facebook users converse with one another and leave comments using polite acronyms. Instead of entirely writing out their speech acts, this type of communication makes their speaking easier and faster. In this article, politeness is regarded as the most significant social behavior control factor, essential for creating the best possible social connections.


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