Nuralieva Dildora Mamurjonovna FarDU Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology, (PhD). Askarova Odinakhan Mamatkhonovna is a 2nd year student of a master’s degree in psychology
marriage, family, psychological processes, interpersonal relations, conflict, problem, development, preservation, psychological serviceAbstract
This article explains the results of a study for the purpose of psychological service to the family. Currently, psychological services that need to be provided to the family remain in demand for the further development of family relations, as well as to ensure the further development of interpersonal relationships. Psychological assistance to the family and its psychological problems is the preservation, assistance, support of yourself at the level of competence. In addition, the relevance of this problem is to determine the level of training of the family, as well as to identify negative factors that cause divorce in families, and provide psychological assistance to families.
Shavkat Mirziyoyevning Facebok ijtimoiy tarmog’idagi rasmiy sahifasida davlat rahbari tavalludining 61 yilligiga bag’ishlangan «Janob Prezidenti» nomli hujjatli filmidan olingan. 25 iyul 2018, 10:49 2. Oilaga psixologik yordam va uning mexanizmlari Abduraxmonov F.R, Abduraxmanova Z.E, Nuralieva D.M. Farg‘ona-2020 y. 11-b. 3. Nuraliyeva D. M. The problems of developing social psychological mechanisms in the family //Theoretical & Applied Science. – 2020. – №. 1. – С. 711-713. 4. Nuraliyeva Dildora MamurjonovnaThe concept of psychological service and its controversial issues in family. Stran/34-36 Proceedings of International Conference on Multidisciplinary Sciencesand Innovative Technologies Organized by Novateur Publications,m India /2020/6/25. 5 Z.E Abduraxmonova, D.M Nuraliyeva Formation of the concept of intelligence in foreign psychology - ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary ISSN: 2249-7137 Vol. 11, Issue 3,, 2021 6. Nuraliyeva D. M. Examining the orientation of women in the field of psychosocial service for the family and the empirical analysis of psychological qualities. International scientific and practical conference Cutting Edge-science Primedia E-launch page115-116 . USA Conference Proceedings 2020/6