Aytbaev Dilshodhuja Temirbaevich, Candidate of philological sciences, associate professor, Tashkent State Pedagogical University Tashkent, Uzbekistan
polysemy, syntactic polysemy, grammatical level, polysemy paradigm, nomeme, sememe, proposition, syntactic constructions, syntactic level, syntaxeme, compound sentence construction, polysemous structure, syntactic homonymy, syntactic polysemy, sentence model, compound sentence model, polysemous clausesAbstract
In this article, there are scientific opinions that polysemy is one of the factors that creates asymmetry between the form and content of compound sentences in Uzbek linguistics, and that polysemy is characteristic of the semantics of compound sentences, and each of its symbols is realized in the structure of discourse through the semantics of real sentences.
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