Xujayarova Nafisa Sultonmurodovna, Qarshi Davlat universiteti o‘qituvchisi(PhD)
Ключевые слова:
Shaxsiy ta’lim traektoriyasi, kompetensiya, kompetentlik, professionallik, o‘qituvchining o‘zini-o‘zi tarbiyalash, ta’lim samaradorligi, kasbiy kompetensiyaАннотация
Maqolada Pedagogik jarayonda bolaning talablari va mavjud ta’lim muhitining xususiyatlarini hisobga olgan holda maqsadlar, motivatsiya, shaxsiy ta’lim yo‘nalishini shakllantirish, qo‘llab-quvvatlashni ta’minlash, individual ta’lim yo‘nalishi davomida o‘quvchiga yordam berish, o’qituvchi va talabaning birgalikdagi faoliyatini tashkil etishi bayon etilgan.
Библиографические ссылки
O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining qarori, 27.02.2020 yildagi PQ-4623-son.
Xujayarova N.S. Individual learning trajector in increase of educational effeciency. Galaxy international interdisciplinary research journal (GIIRJ) ISSN (E): 2347-6915 Vol. 12, Issue 2, February (2024) https://internationaljournals. Page 474
Xujayarova N.S. Development of Creative Thinking Skills in Students Based on an Individual Learning Trajectory.
Vital Annex: International Journal of Novel Research in Advanced Sciences (IJNRAS) Volume: 02 Issue: 12 | 2023 ISSN: 2751-756X | Page 89
Shodmonova Z.B. Formation of Innovative Activities of Technology Teacher. European Journal of Higher Education and Academic Advancement.2023.
Xujayarova N.S. Technology for the development of professional competence based on a creative approach.
International Conference on Advance Research in Humanities, Sciences and Education USA CONFERENCE February 28th 2023. , Page 28-31
М.И. Лукьянова Развитие индивидуальности обучающихся в бразовательном пространстве урока. Педагогика индивидуальности: достижения и перспективы развития материалы научно-практической конференции, Калининград 2017. 27с
Xujayarova N.S. Technology for the development of professional competence based on a creative approach.
International Conference on Advance Research in Humanities, Sciences and Education USA CONFERENCE February 28th 2023. , Page 28-31.
Xакимова М.Ф Academikand The Bases of Applying Innovative Techologies in Higher Education Sustem Academikand The Bases of Applying Innovative Techologies in Higher Education Sustem. Eastern Evropean Scientific Journal Ausgabe. Germaniya. 1-2019 (Impact Factor ICV=0,35). Page 109-114
Begmatova S.N. “The role and significance of specific competence types in the training of future teachers in modern education”. International scientific and practical conference Cutting edge-science 2022 Shawnee, USA Conference Proceedings Primedia E-launch Shawnee, USA November December 2022. ISBN 978-1-64945-234-4 DOI https://doi. org/10.5281/zenodo.7527949 35-38 b.
Xakimova М.F Pedagogik texnologiyalar va pedagogik mahorat. O‘quv qo‘llanma. T.: Iqtisodiyot, 2019