12. M. Jo’raev On the historical foundations of the “Oltin qoboq” epic
M. Jo’raev doctor of philological sciences, professor
folklore, folklore archive, epic, storyteller, variant, epic plot, storytelling school, romance epic, improvisation, poetic text.Abstract
The article is devoted to the study of the history of the formation of the plot of the epic «Oltin boқ», i.e. «Golden gourd», widespread in the epic tradition of the Sherabad dastan school. As a result of a comparative analysis of the versions of this epic, stored in the folklore archive of the Institute of the Uzbek language, literature and folklore of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, individual artistic abilities and skills of improvisation of folk storytellers were revealed. The plot of this epic work related to the TV series «Gorogly» is based on the popular game “OLTIN QOBOQ” .