13. H. Ch. Nusratova Uzbek children’s literature is developing the place of Safar Barnoev’s works

H. Ch. Nusratova TDPU named after Nizami, associate professors, f.f.b. PhD


  • H. Ch. Nusratova Nusratova


stories, novella, Uzbek children’s literature, war and childhood, character, children’s heart, real life, adventure fiction, wartime children, cycle of stories, genre of story, protagonist.


The article examines the development of the Uzbek children’s story on the example of the analysis of the stories of the talented writer S. Barnoev. The role of the talented writer Safar Barnoev in the development of Uzbek children’s storytelling, enrichment with various themes, the image of heroes created by the writer, stories that arouse the reader’s hatred of war, educate in the spirit of struggle and patriotism.


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