Ochilov Alisher To‘lis ugli, PhD, Bukhara State University, Archeology and history of Bukhara teacher of the department


  • Ochilov Alisher Tolis oğlu


Bukhara oasis, archeological researches, Pаykent, VV Bartold, NF Sitnyakovsky, R. Pumpelly, AA Zimin.


Every inch of Bukhara, every historical and cultural monument testifies to the great talent and creative potential of the local population, the path of high development, science, enlightenment, spirituality and culture, philosophy and religion. This place became one of the centers of science, enlightenment and culture in its time, and religious and secular sciences developed in the city. For centuries, Bukhara has been known as the largest administrative center of Turkestan. Although the past of Bukhara is extremely rich and interesting in historical and evolutionary events, many pages of its jewels are not fully preserved. In particular, it is impossible to get accurate information about the long history of the oasis, the culture of the ancient period, the history of antiquity and the early Middle Ages from written sources. Therefore, archeological research plays a very important role in the clear and unambiguous coverage of the history of Bukhara in ancient times. Although archaeological excavations in the oasis began much later than in other parts of Central Asia, the research has a history of more than 120 years. Therefore, as a result of studying the history of archeological research in the Bukhara oasis, it was proposed to divide the history of archeological research in the oasis into three major periods. These are: studies of the first period from the end of the 19th century to 1930, the second period from 1930 to 1990, and the third period from 1991 to the present.

The research of the end of the XIX - beginning of the XX century is an important step in the study of the history of Bukhara. Therefore, this article examines the stage of the beginning of archeological research in the Bukhara oasis, research materials conducted in the region in the early twentieth century and their results, scientific and comparative analysis.

During this period, scientists such as Sitnyakovsky, Pampelli and Zimin conducted the first archeological research in the Bukhara oasis. For example, Sitnyakovsky was the first to study the oasis from an archaeological point of view and his contribution to the preservation of archeological sites and sites is reflected in this article. In the western part of the Bukhara oasis, the research of L.A. Zimin, the scientific secretary of the Turkestan Archaeological Amateur Circle, in Poykent, and the analysis of the works of the great orientalist VV Bartold on the history of Bukhara form the basis of this article. Early archeological research in the Bukhara oasis not only provides new insights into the history of the region in the Middle Ages, but also clarifies the methods and techniques used by archaeologists at this early stage in the history of Bukhara archeology.


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Ochilov Alisher. «The Role of Zamanbaba Culture in The Social and Economic History of Bukhara Oasis During Bronze Age.» CENTRAL ASIAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HISTORY 2.4 (2021): 42-47.

OCHILOV, Alisher. «JEWELRYC TRADITION IS A SOURCE OF STUDY OF BUKHARA HISTORY.» Bayterek Uluslararası Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi 1.1: 105-116.

Ochilov, A. T. «DATING OF THE ZAMANBABA CULTURE: ASED ON ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOURCES.» Theoretical & Applied Science 12 (2019): 589-591. ISSN 2181-1717 (E) Образование и инновационные исследования (2022 год №9)http://interscience.uz 27

Ochilov Alisher. «The Role of Zamanbaba Culture in The Social and Economic History of Bukhara Oasis During Bronze Age.» CENTRAL ASIAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HISTORY 2.4 (2021):42-47.

OCHILOV, Alisher. «JEWELRYC TRADITION IS A SOURCE OF STUDY OF BUKHARA HISTORY.» Bayterek Uluslararası Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi 1.1: 105-116.

Ochilov, A. T. «DATING OF THE ZAMANBABA CULTURE: ASED ON ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOURCES.» Theoretical & Applied Science 12 (2019): 589-591.


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Ochilov A. Бухоро воҳасининг қадимги антропоген ландшафтида Сармишсой дарасининг тутган ўрни //ЦЕНТР НАУЧНЫХ ПУБЛИКАЦИЙ (buxdu. uz). – 2021. – Т. 4. – №. 4.

