Aripova Halima Aripovna Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Bukhara State University Rоzikova Natalia Nikolaevna lecturer at Bukhara State University
prose writer, story, plot, theme, three levels, geographical, personalbiographical, gender, motive, metaphor, hero, image, poetics.Abstract
A.P.Platonov is one of the brightest and most peculiar prose writers of the XX century, an original master of the artistic word, has a «very peculiar language». This is indicated by the very title «Sandy Teacher», which cannot but stop attention with its unusual, violation of the usual norms of compatibility in the Russian language (compare, for example, the phrases «sandstorm» and «sandy teacher»). These violations are investigated in some detail in the works of M. Avdeeva. The themes of his works are significant, and in the depiction of human characters they are sensitive and attentive to the moral world of man. When analyzing the anthropological picture of the world in A. Platonov’s story «The Sandy Teacher», three levels of artistic embodiment of the theme «man is the conqueror of nature» are considered. This is geographical, personal-biographical, gender. Special attention is paid to the basic techniques of the poetics of the work. The author contrasts the deadness of the desert and the resilience, optimism of the main character, her desire to take people beyond the poverty line, «cure despair.»
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