Севара МУСТАНОВА МУХАММАДИ қизи Термезский государственный педагогический институт Дошкольное учреждение специальность, 2 курс магистратура
Ключевые слова:
управление, планирование, организация, деятельность, возможность, частные категории, осведомленность.Аннотация
Management and planning of preschool education today is one of the most important tasks. The article proposes ideas for new management methods. The concept of management in a narrow sense is the benefit and effectiveness of the planning, organization and control processes necessary to determine the goal of an organization and to achieve it, to be able to choose the right direction of activity, to be able to make decisions and depends on the control of its management and the progress of this process.
Библиографические ссылки
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