Elova Dilnoza Davlatovna, t.f.f.d. (PhD), Buxoro davlat universiteti
Hattot, printing house, publishing house, electro – lithotypography, electrical equipment, sinography, Muslim shrift, bookcase, Ampere, horsepower, machine, press, foreign book printingAbstract
In this article, the years 1920-1924 are scientifically observed through the analysis of sources about the new techniques and tools that served the development of printing and publishing in the USSR. It is said about the role of Russian societies in the technical equipment of Bukhara lithographs. Information about monthly salaries of workers in printing houses is provided. It is proved that printing of books, posters, advertisements, flyers, etc. has increased in the printing house and publishing house equipped with new technical means in Bukhara. It is revealed that the techniques were somewhat important in the growth of the consciousness of the local population, in strengthening the activities of cultural and educational institutions.
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