Orziyev Mahmud Zayniyevich, tarix fanlari bo‘yicha falsafa doktori (PhD) Buxoro davlat universiteti, Jahon tarixi kafedrasi dosenti. Mahmudova Shoxida Tohirovna, Buxoro davlat universiteti Jahon tarixi kafedrasi I-bosqich magitranti


  • Orziyev Mahmud Zayniyevich,


Khorezmiytsy, Middle East, Mejdousobitsy, Grabeji, Konysky sultanate, Ayyubid, Pravitel Mosula, military alliance, Homsa region, Syria territory, Euphrates river, Naemniki


In this article, after the death of Jalaluddin Manguberdi, the «Khorazimliks» (Jalaluddin’s soldiers) who were left without a leader, first elected high commanders such as Khusamiddin Kirkhan, then Muhammad Barokatkhan, and also lived under the leadership of leaders such as Yilang Bugu, Sarikhon, Khanberdi, Saifuddin Sadiqkhan, Atlaskhan, Nasiriddin Kushlukhan. their struggles to stay, to have their own places of residence, their relations with the Muslim states that existed in the Middle East at that time, firstly the Sultanate of Konya, then the Ayyubids, the governor of Mosul, Badriddin Lu’lu, the governor of Mayofiriqidin, al-Malik alMuzaffar, and others, in the Middle East being in the service of the rulers, treachery towards the «Khorazims», looting of the cities and lands in the Middle East by the «Khorazims», their mercenary activities, their heroic struggles, their loyalty to their covenants even when it is clear that they will be defeated, «Khorazims» in the mutual struggles of the rulers in the Middle East The position and role of the «Khorazims», the robbery of the «Khorazims» and the formation of an alliance against them by the rulers of the Middle East, the defeat of the «Khorazims» and their dispersion to different regions were discussed. historical sources and information in the literature were analyzed from a comparative, historical, and critical point of view


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