Jahongir Jo`rayevich Murodov, Buxoro Davlat universiteti “Sport faoliyati” kafedrasi katta o`qituvchisi
Physical culture and sports events, stages of motor training, physical training, motor act, initial stage of training, dynamic stereotype, motor training technique, coordination abilitiesAbstract
The article reflects the goals and objectives of teaching students the motor actions of students, including preparation for specialization, the network of future activities and for life, the development of physical qualities, health improvement, training and improvement of complex and not complex movements and the formation of students’ motor qualities and abilities. The article reflects the forms and methods of the formation of the motor ability and the actions of students in the classroom for physical education and their improvement. To improve and strengthen the motor abilities of students in the classroom, it is of great importance that the correct organization of training sessions, methodically organized classes, sports training, sports competitions and mass physical culture and sports events
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