Jumayev Nadir Zayniddinovich BSU Department of Psychology and sociology large teacher


  • Jumayev Nodir Zayniddinovich


Pedagogical-psychological features of development of students’ talent and features of formation of students’ talent and creativity features are highlighted in this article. Among the reforms implemented in the field of education in our country, one of the main factors that increase the quality and efficiency of education is to diagnose the creative abilities of students and study their creativity characteristics, to psychologically study the talent and creativity characteristics of students. practical recommendations and theories are highlighted. Measures and methods have been developed for the development of students’ talents. In addition, the nature of talent and its psychological and pedagogical structure were analyzed, and scientific sources related to the problem of the formation of talent and creativity characteristics were analyzed. Measures to determine the psychological factors that influence the formation and development of Ta’lim va innovatsion tadqiqotlar (2023 йил № 8) 334 Education and innovative research 2023 y. № 8 talent and creativity in students are also highlighted


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