Ключевые слова:
Public education, spiritual treasures of the ancestors, folklore, folk sayings, proverbs, stories, retellings, traditions, legends, tales, edifications, proverbs sayings, high moral, moral code of manGreat figures of the East - al-KhwārizmīАннотация
This article substantiates the spiritual foundation of our people - the spiritual heritage left by our ancestors, which in itself is an invaluable. Conscious understanding of works and the
pedagogical heritage of the great thinkers of the East leads to the spiritual revival of the people, the
de-velopment of culture, science and education. Also, the rich heritage of scientists and thinkers of
the East is revealed, which is the basis for the formation of the professional level and culture of the
future teacher. Great figures of the East - al-Khwārizmī, Al-Farabi, al-Biruni, Ferdowsi, Avicenna,
Yusuf Khass Hajib, Kaykaus, Yugnaki, Khayyam, Amir Temur, Ulugbek, Nava'i, Jami, Kashifi, Babur,
Uwaisī, Nodira, al-Kashgari, Behbudi, Avloni, A. Danish, Furkat, Mukimi and many others left for
centuries their inviolable guides, pedagogical judgments and principles regarding the individuality of
a teacher and a student, about the ways and means of education and training.
Библиографические ссылки
S. Radjabov, 1985, p. p. 104, 195, 251. Antalogy of Uzbek pedagogy.
Al-Farabi, 1970. P. 135.
Abu Ali IbnSina, 1980, p. 109. Selected works.
O. Abbasova 1985. p. 251. Antalogy of pedagogical meaning in Uzbekistan.
A. Navoi. 1968. p. 234 Nazmul Javohir.
AkhmadYugnaky (Tillayev. X 1989, p. 145.
Педагогическая энциклопедия. - М.: Сов. энциклопедия. 1968. - 251с.
Антология педагогической мысли вУзбекистане /Сост.
Тиллашев Х. Х. Общепедагогические и дидактические идеи ученых-энциклопедистов
Ближнего и Среднего Востока Эпохи Средневековья. -
Ташкент: Фан. 1989. - 145 с.
Аль Фараби. Философские трактаты. – Алма Ата, 1970. -135 с