Kazakbayeva Gulmira Uzakbay qizi Uzbek State University physical education and sports Nukus branch Candidate of the Department of Theory of Physical Education and Humanities


  • Kazakbayeva Gulmira Uzakbay qizi TerDU


Sports Activity, Sports, factors of professional success, endurance, socio-psychological adaptation, temperament, individuality, ability


the article is tasked with determining the psychological characteristics of athletes of different categories and achievements in professional activities. These characteristics can be factors of the success of sports activities, since the condition for the success of professional self-realization of athletes takes into account the versatility of the manifestation of their mental individuality and the presence of factors that regulate mental stress. Methods for finding a psychological solution to problems arising in sports activities have been studied. Statistically determined correlations between the level of professional success of athletes and the factors under consideration have been studied in these relationships.


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