Shermukhamedova Nasiba Almasovna, lecturer at the Department of Russian Language and Literature, Bukhara State University. Bukhara. Uzbekistan
Ключевые слова:
pedagogical technologies, non-standard assessment, analysis of grammatical skills, methods, exercises, assignments, pedagogical process, communicative competence, assessment of knowledge, the only tool, at the discretion of the teacher, different methods, student competences, assessment, self-assessment, literacy, peer assessment, introduction to innovation.Аннотация
The article suggests the using of pedagogical technologies fornonstandard estimation and analyzing the grammar skills in Mother tongue lessons. Increasing the effectiveness of education is at the heart of human education and ensures that young people receive independent knowledge, a modern teacher with a solid knowledge of their business, in addition, the use of innovative technologies in the education system is a requirement. Assessment is an effective tool for improving learning outcomes, systematic assimilation of educational material
Библиографические ссылки
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