Dusaliyev Muysin Tura o‘g‘li, Shahrisabz state pedagogical institute teacher of the «Social sciences» department
Kokand Khanate, Bukhara Khanate, Ashtarkhanids, Ming dynasty, political, processes, history of statehood, Shahrukhbiy, Abdurakhimbiy, Abdulkarimbiy, Erdanabiy, Abulfayzkhan, political relations, Dzhungor-Kalmaki, Sin government, East Turkestan.Abstract
This article, on an analytical basis, highlights the history of mutual political processes between the Kokand Khanate and representatives of the Ashtarkhanid dynasty, which ruled the Bukhara Khanate. The history of the relationship between each of the representatives of the Ming dynasty, who came to power in the Kokand Khanate, and the rulers of the Bukhara Khanate has been studied. Information about the history of the formation of statehood of the Kokand Khanate and the political leadership of the rulers, as well as information about the areas of intersection of interests with the Bukhara Khanate were also studied.
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