Yusupova Dilorom Toshtemirovna Navoi State Pedagogical Institute


  • Yusupova Dilorom Toshtemirovna TerDU


psychological characteristics, behavior management, students, educational environment, motivation, self-regulation, behavioral patterns, educational process, behavior management and education achievement correlation, pedagogical psychology, pedagogical strategies, student development, education, interaction strategies, learning environment.


This article is devoted to the study of the psychological aspects of the management of student behavior in the educational environment. Special attention is paid to the relationship between students’ psychological characteristics, their motivation, self-regulation strategies and the effectiveness of managing their behavior in the educational environment. As a result of the studies, practical recommendations were made for teachers and management staff to optimize the educational process, create more favorable conditions for the successful study and development of students. The analysis of the psychological features of student behavior management makes an important contribution to the field of educational psychology and to the formation of effective interaction strategies in the university community.


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