Mukaddas ISRAIL, doctor of philological sciences, professor. Uzbekistan State University of World Languages


  • Mukaddas Israil TerDU


sociolinguistics, newspaper and journalistic style, socio-political reality, media text, socio-political terms, language and style of the Uzbek newspaper, article, print media, newspaper text.


According to the results of the study of the historical development of the newspaper language, one of the distinctive aspects of the use of language tools in different periods is their systematic classification, as well as the inclusion of extralinguistic factors. Turning to the diachronic analysis of the newspaper text, we can observe that the standard and expression, which are important aspects of the newspaper, are always considered as a “social assessment”. The newspaper and journalistic style during the Soviet period had pronounced features that were closely related to the ideological and cultural context of this period. A sociolinguistic study of the newspaper and journalistic style of this period allows us to see and analyze the influence of politics of that time on the language and style of the newspaper, the influence of the dominant Russian language on the language and style of the Uzbek language, as well as the enrichment of newspaper vocabulary due to new socio-political terms 


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