Djalolova Dilafruz Fattohovna, Buxoro muhandilik texnologiya instituti “Yengil sanoat mahsulotlari texnologiyasi” kafedrasi dotsenti
Talabalarda ta’lim-tarbiya jarayoniga qo’yilgan talablar,
kasb-hunar ta’limidagi pedagogik qonuniyatlar, ta’lim prinsiplari, рedagogik
jarayondagi qoidalar va prinsiplari, politexnik prinsipining shart-sharoitlari,
ta’lim-tarbiya prinsiplari haqida ma’lumotlar bayon etilgan.
Библиографические ссылки
Maxmutov M.I.,Ibragimov G.I.Choshanov M.A. Pedagogicheskie texnologii razvitiya mo’shleniya uchashixsya. - Kazan;1993.-88 s.
Brown, A.L., 1992. Design experiments: theoretical and methodological challenges in creating complex interventions in classroom setting. The journal of the learning sciences (Hillsdale, HJ), vol. 2. P. 141-178.
Collins, A. 1992. Toward a design science of education. In: Scanlon, E.; O’Shea, T., eds. New directional technology. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. (NATO-ASI Series F: Computers and Sciences, vol. 96. P. 15-22.
Djalolova D.F. Theaching special subjects on the basis of innovative education technologies as a pedagogical problem. EPRA International journal of Research Development (IJRD). Monthly, Peer Reviewed (Refereed) Indexed International journal. Vol.5. Issue 10. October 2020. P 328-330. www.eprajournals.com.
Djalolova D.F. Promotion of practical trainings for the development of the creative abilities of students in special subjects using foreign methods of foreign education method. European journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences. Vol.8, No.11, 2020. ISSN 2056-5852. P 73-79. www.idpublications.org