Ibragimov Fakhriddin, Researcher of the al-Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
This article discusses the abbreviations in the “Canon of Medicine”
and their authors, comments, translations and copies kept in libraries around the
world. Ibn Sina’s (980-1037) follower, disciple Sharafiddin al-Ilaqi’s (death. 1068
A.D.) work named al-Fusul al-Ilaqiyya, and the work “Mu‘jaz al-Qanun” by an
Egyptian Physician Ibn an-Nafis (death. 1288 A.D.), and physician from Khorezm
Mahmud Chaghmini’s (14th century) so-called work “Qanuncha” have been
studied and have also been highlighted their role in the history of medicine.
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