Atabayeva Nargis Batirovna Associate Professor of the Department of «Psychology» of Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology (PhD)


  • Атабаева Наргис Батировна


national character, national pride, national value, altruism, kindness, responsibility, gentleness, sympathy.


The article analyzes the importance of behavioral motives based on altruism in the formation of the national characteristics of the Uzbek people and the psychological characteristics of the manifestation of altruism as a national value. Altruism is a character trait that prompts us to help people around us, not to be indifferent to the problems of our loved ones and society, and determines our level of spiritual maturity. The phenomenon of altruism, which is considered one of the Uzbek national mental characteristics, is described in the interpretation of qualities such as generosity, diligence, kindness, and helpfulness based on the science of futuvat, which is related to it in the works of sacred sources and Eastern scholars. In addition, in the studies of foreign psychologists, the nature of moral, cognitive, social, psychological factors affecting the harmony of behavior based on altruistic motives with the personal value system is systematized taking into account ethnic characteristics. In the article, the correlative relationship between altruism and the manifestation of national characteristics in adolescence is analyzed on an empirical basis, taking into account age and gender aspects. Based on the analytical data, scientific conclusions were formed and pedagogical-psychological recommendations were developed for pedagogues-psychologists and parents to develop altruism in adolescents as a national characteristic and value.


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