Karshieva Dilafruz Suyunovna – associate professor of the Department of «Applied Psychology» of Tashkent State Pedagogical University, PhD in psychology


  • Қаршиева Дилафрўз Суюновна


professional stress, pedagogue, stressor, psychocorrection, pedagogical internship, pedagogical team.


This scientific thesis analyzes the psychological features of the representation of occupational stress in pedagogical activity.

This article highlights the scientific and theoretical foundations of the social perception of pedagogics. as well as the role and importance of the factors influencing it. There is an increasing need in the world for the training of qualified, competitive, independent-minded specialists. Currently, one of the urgent problems is the development and improvement of psychological mechanisms for the formation of professional competence of medical personnel

In the scientific research conducted in the world, special attention is paid to research on the study of the psychological foundations of the professional competence of pedagogics, the formation and development of mechanisms of professional competence, the systematization of their psychological criteria, the study of indicators of socio-psychological competence, the study and development of a model of indicatorssocio-psychological competence, research and development of a model of indicators of socio-psychological competence and the development of a set of psychodiagnostic methods, consisting of special simulated tasks aimed at creating and improving a development model. In this regard, there is a need to pay attention to research aimed at improving the level of psychological training of pedagogics; identification of socio-psychological factors and mechanisms that form their socio-psychological competence; increasing the role of professional training of pedagogics and identifying the impact on the effectiveness of their activities. The scientific significance of the study is expressed in the development of a model for studying the factors of sociopsychological competence of pedagogics, the scientific disclosure of the problem under study and the development state educational standards of higher education in the training of personnel in the educational areas of workers. Also, from the scientific considerations presented in the article, the possibility of using an effective training program prepared for the development of socio-psychological competence that affects the effectiveness of the professional activities of pedagogics, and the possibility of using it in the process of preparing practical classes, is explained bachelor’s and master’s programs, the creation of a theoretical framework that can be applied in the process of creating programs for the development of social and psychological competence of pedagogics, advanced training and retraining of pedagogics. Also, from the scientific considerations presented in the article, the possibility of using an effective training program prepared for the development of sociopsychological competence that affects the effectiveness of medical professional activity is explained.

In addition to describing the work-related aspects of occupational stress representation in educators, methodological principles of psychotherapeutic methods aimed at reducing its impact are also presented.


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