Akhmedova Zarina Jamilovna Teacher of the Department of Psychology and Sociology


  • Akhmedova Zarina Jamilovna TerDU


personality, adaptation, maladjustment, adaptability, non-adaptation, adaptability, difficult life situation


The article is devoted to the study of the process of adaptation of a first-year student to study at a university as a factor in the socialization of a young person's personality. In turn, socialization is considered as a process of formation of a system of attitudes and values, which are the basis for developing strategies for the behavior of an individual. In the process of studying at a university, a first-year student is included in the processes of integration into a social group, which implies the adoption of group norms, values, standards, stereotypes and requirements. Thus, a person adapts to changes in the social environment by selecting or restructuring behavioral strategies. The presence of one or another level of adaptation is a necessary indicator of the effectiveness of the student's implementation in the course of the educational process. Based on the fact that the trigger mechanism for the process of adaptation of a person is a change in his environment, in which his usual behavior turns out to be ineffective or ineffective at all, for a first-year student, the need to overcome difficulties associated precisely with the novelty of the conditions of a difficult life situation. So, a person, her life situation and The (main) interaction between the individual and the situation determines the features of adaptation of first-year students to study at the university. That is why, in the conditions of a particular university, practical social work (social therapy) should be carried out within the framework of the Social and Psychological Adaptation Service, which deals with both the social and psychological aspects of the situation. Work with first-year students can be aimed both at transforming the inner world of the individual and at changing his social learning situation, as well as at transforming the interaction between them.


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