Achilova Mavluda Sadullaevna - Chirchik State Pedagogical University "Methodology of preschool education" department, Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD)


  • Achilova Mavluda Sadullaevna TerDU


Method, culture, criticism, behavior, development, communication, culture,thougt


In the development of global social thinking, human intelligence and its creative potential are striking as the most important factor of scientific and technological achievements. This, in turn, puts on the agenda the problem of ensuring the conditions of an innovative educational environment and the development of creative skills among teachers, the formation of a non-standard and creative way of thinking as one of the urgent problems of the industry. In accordance with the idea of "educating students for life", increasing the vital importance of school education, achieving correct decision-making about the knowledge acquired by students in life situations, and improving the content of scientific programs of school education based on this approach, as well as its research as a scientific and pedagogical problem of urgent importance. In a number of leading countries of the world, a number of scientific studies are conducted aimed at developing effective methods and methods of personality formation, clarifying the characteristics of teachers' talent, developing their creative thinking skills. The style of creative thinking as one of the forms of social consciousness depends on natural socio-educational factors, the development of which necessitates the study of these factors from a scientific and pedagogical point of view. Determining the priorities of reforming general secondary and extracurricular education in our country, raising the younger generation to a qualitatively new level of spiritual, moral and intellectual development, introducing innovative forms of education into the educational process, improving methods, bringing the content of continuing education to a qualitatively new level, improving teaching methods are defined as strategic objectives of the industry. This, in turn, took into account the pedagogical physiological psychological characteristics and personal characteristics of ensuring the conditions of an innovative educational environment and the development of creative skills among teachers, the formation of a non-standard and creative way of thinking.


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