Khakimova Sanobar Samandarovna1 1Urgench Branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al Khwarizmi, Department of Software Engineering


  • Khakimova Sanobar Samandarovna TerDU


learning principles, semiotics, sign, criteria, recusive function


This article presents a model for teaching the subject of the functional programming paradigm of the science of programming styles and paradigms based on a new approach. Based on this model, the main direction of organizing the teaching of the science of programming methods and paradigms is a systematic review. The application of this approach in teaching the science of programming methods and paradigms is a component such as a programming teaching system with all its characteristics, i.e. integrity, communication, structure and organization, system levels and their hierarchy, management, system itself. organization of zi; has its activity and development. Logical universal actions play an important role in selecting methods for solving problems in programming based on the semiotic approach, in determining optimal algorithms. Their level of development affects the ability of students to perform actions to transfer the notation of a problem-solving algorithm from one symbol system to another. From this point of view, the science of programming paradigms of technical universities is an integral part and plays an important role in forming the skills of students to adequately perceive and structure information presented in the form of symbols.


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