Xonnazarova Saltanat To’lqinovna, Teacher of Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami
Cognitive Activity, Cognitive Engagement, Biology Education, Pedagogical Approaches, Interactive Learning, Problem-Based Learning (PBL)Practical Experimentation, Technology Integration, Teacher’s Role, Formative Assessment, Summative AssessmentAbstract
In the realm of education, enhancing cognitive activity in students is essential for effective learning and comprehension. This article focuses on strategies to activate students’ cognitive engagement in school biology education. Various pedagogical approaches, including interactive learning, problem-based learning, practical experimentation, and technology integration, are explored to foster a deeper understanding of biological concepts and promote critical thinking. Moreover, the role of teachers in creating an environment conducive to cognitive engagement and the significance of assessment methods in measuring cognitive outcomes are discussed. The findings underscore the importance of employing multifaceted strategies to optimize students’ cognitive engagement and maximize their learning potential in biology education.
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