Tojibayeva Khilolakhan Makhmutovna, Deputy Director of the Scientific Research Institute of Pedagogical Sciences of Uzbekistan for scientific affairs and innovations, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (DSc), senior researcher
gender; gender approach in education; readiness to implement a gender approach; perceptions of teachers about the gender approach in education.Abstract
Achieving gender equality around the world is becoming a central point of country and individual development and is an important part of the state strategy, which is based on the gender model of symmetrical and balanced activity of men and women in all spheres of society.
The role of education in the socio-cultural construction of the system of gender relations cannot be denied. Research conducted in school practice shows that it needs significant modernization in terms of gender equality values. It is for this reason that the application of the gender approach in the field of education is considered as a way to improve the level and quality of education of male and female students. But unlike many social sciences and humanities that use gender methodology, pedagogy lags far behind them in the assimilation and processing of gender theory, so gender approaches are still considered scientifically exotic in our science. The science of pedagogy and teacher education is at the very beginning of the way of mastering the concept of gender. In order to understand the process of gender socialization of children and professional participation, the teacher needs appropriate methodological manuals that include the system of scientific knowledge about gender, pedagogical aspects of education and upbringing as gender technologies, effective gender factors, conditions and criteria. The article presents arguments aimed at justifying the relevance of introducing a gender approach in education, as well as an analysis of teachers’ ideas about a gender approach in education.
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