Konurova Leyla Ruslanovna Teacher of Gulistan State Universiteti
Music therapy, art therapy, music playing, pantomime, meditation, playing musical instruments, rhythm, musical improvisation, color therapy, psychotherapeutic effectAbstract
A child in kindergarten is the most vulnerable link in the pedagogical process. As soon as he arrives at kindergarten, he experiences severe stress, which sometimes drags on for several months, turning into a severe form of adaptation. Over the next 4-5 еars of stay in a preschool educational institution, any child may experience situations that cause strong emotional stress more than once. One of the ways to strengthen a child’s psychological health and achieve emotional well- being is music therapy, which is of great interest to specialists as a method associated with the release of a person’s hidden energy reserves, responding to negative emotional experiences in the process of creative self-expression and the formation of a worldview that helps a person to be healthy and happy.
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